Q3 2022 eCommerce Insider Quarterly (EIQ) Report Now Available
Allume Group’s eCommerce Insider Quarterly Report includes insights on the last quarter’s eCommerce, manufacturer, and retail trends and predictions.
Borne of eCommerce, Retail Media is Here to Stay
The COVID-driven shift to e-commerce has profoundly impacted commerce. As shoppers flock online in droves, 75% of they report changing brands during the pandemic, and many won’t go back to previous brand loyalties. Brands have scrambled with supply chain disruptions and activating the shopper in this new omni-commerce world, including shifting their connection points with […]
Three Shopper Trends in Post-COVID eCommerce
As observed by all, the last two years spent quarantining has drastically affected our constantly developing market. Initially starting with a recession, the COVID-19 pandemic quickly changed our economy and it seems that some alterations may last. Over the past year, we’ve slowly emerged from our homes and are readjusting to our old ways. However, it […]
Q2 2022 eCommerce Insider Quarterly (EIQ) Report Now Available
Allume Group’s eCommerce Insider Quarterly Report includes insights on the last quarter’s eCommerce, manufacturer, and retail trends and predictions.
Amazon Q1 2022 Earnings Hot Take
✔️#Profit took a nosedive as Amazon realized a loss of $3.8B, largely driven by a $7.6B loss on Rivian and an incremental $2B in incremental costs due to inflation and overstaffing / productivity. Netrevenue growth was lackluster at 7.3%, the second straight quarter of single digit growth. ✔️Amazon launched an increase in FBA fees (fuel & inflation surcharge) last week. […]
The Three Keys to Success in eCommerce Marketplaces
In this 2 part video series with Jeffery Woldt of Chain Drug Review, Andrea K Leigh analyzes Omnichannel Retailing and its impact on the retail marketplace and talks about Amazon’s relentless pursuit of consumer-centric innovation, ongoing efforts to carve out a bigger presence in the food and health care sectors, and synergies between the company’s online and brick-and-mortar assets.
Q4 2021 Amazon Earnings Report Hot Take
Please join us in congratulating Andrea K. Leigh for being selected by ReThink Retail as a retail expert and top influencer in 2022.
Allume Group Releases the Q1 2022 eCommerce Insider Quarterly (EIQ) Report
In this 2 part video series with Jeffery Woldt of Chain Drug Review, Andrea K Leigh analyzes Omnichannel Retailing and its impact on the retail marketplace and talks about Amazon’s relentless pursuit of consumer-centric innovation, ongoing efforts to carve out a bigger presence in the food and health care sectors, and synergies between the company’s online and brick-and-mortar assets.
2022 ReThink Retail Top Influencer Recognition Awarded to Andrea K. Leigh
Please join us in congratulating Andrea K. Leigh for being selected by ReThink Retail as a retail expert and top influencer in 2022.
Amazon Q3 2021 Earnings Recap
Amazon released their Q3 2021 earnings on October 28, 2021. Here are a few takeaways on the eCommerce giant’s financial results and go-forward strategy: