Allume Group

Chat GPT on Digital First Strategy

Chat GPT on Digital First Strategy Allume Group asked ChatGPT to write a 250-word essay on the importance of consumer brands adopting a digital-first strategy. This is un-edited, but parts […]

Learnings from Emerson Group’s Industry Day

Thanks to The Emerson Group for hosting another magnificent and informative Industry Day event! We were proud to have our Founder and CEO Andrea K. Leigh share the stage with […]

Amazon Q3 2022 Earnings Recap

Amazon Q3 2022 Earnings Recap The Results Revenue strengthened, especially in online and physical stores, which added $3B this quarter and grew 7% y/y. Net Income of $2.87B wasn’t a great […]

Borne of eCommerce, Retail Media is Here to Stay

Chat GPT on Digital First Strategy Allume Group asked ChatGPT to write a 250-word essay on the importance of consumer brands adopting a digital-first strategy. This is un-edited, but parts […]