Allume Group

Spark Plug Podcast: Discussion with Andrea Leigh

Digital Shelf Institute Podcast: The Liberated Consumer Has Roared to Life DSI’s podcast hosts talk with Allume Group’s Andrea Leigh to recap Q1s consumer and industry data. This episode of […]

Digital Shelf Institute Podcast: Q3 Data Recap

Digital Shelf Institute Podcast: Q3 Data Recap DSI’s podcast hosts talk with Allume Group’s Andrea Leigh to put data from the most recent earnings reports and shareholder meetings in perspective. This […]

Amazon Q3 2022 Earnings Recap

Amazon Q3 2022 Earnings Recap The Results Revenue strengthened, especially in online and physical stores, which added $3B this quarter and grew 7% y/y. Net Income of $2.87B wasn’t a great […]

Borne of eCommerce, Retail Media is Here to Stay

Chat GPT on Digital First Strategy Allume Group asked ChatGPT to write a 250-word essay on the importance of consumer brands adopting a digital-first strategy. This is un-edited, but parts […]