Allume Group

Learnings from Emerson Group’s Industry Day

Thanks to The Emerson Group for hosting another magnificent and informative Industry Day event! We were proud to have our Founder and CEO Andrea K. Leigh share the stage with Guru Hariharan of CommerceIQ to discuss algorithmic retail. Attendees learned Andrea and Guru’s thoughts on some keys to success in algorithmic retail, forecasts on near-term […]

Three Shopper Trends in Post-COVID eCommerce

digitally-minded adult couple shopping via ecommerce

As observed by all, the last two years spent quarantining has drastically affected our constantly developing market. Initially starting with a recession, the COVID-19 pandemic quickly changed our economy and it seems that some alterations may last.  Over the past year, we’ve slowly emerged from our homes and are readjusting to our old ways. However, it […]